Thursday, July 07, 2005

My Office Building

Some days it's not so bad and then there are other days.

My office has a window with a view, but I keep that view closed not because of not wanting to look out. I just don't want anyone to view in. The view is nice it's of a jungle like atrium. Across the atrium is a security company. There is a excessive amount of traffic the security company draws of individuals filling out employment applications. It seems that the person filling out the application always has to bring the whole family. So on the days it is bad is when we have toddlers screaming, crying and whatever else out there. In having an office with a whole wall of window I can hear everything. I'm guessing these people don't realize there are people trying to work around here.

Employment Search Tip # 1 - Always bring your screaming toddler child on job interviews. That way the hopeful employer can see your shining star and know that they need to give that security job to you 'cause you have another mouth to feed another than your own.


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