Wednesday, January 03, 2007


The week before my period I start acting like a starving manic. Eating everything in sight. Then the week of the period I'm in so much pain that I don't feel like eating anything. All's I want to do is crawl into bed and die. (see a pattern here - basically I just want to be in bed all the time and will use anything as an excuse)

This week is the eating week. Which sucks because I know what is around the corner. Damn it.

A large glass of milk and a yucky bowl of crappy oatmeal for breakfast
Lunch was cabbage, black-eyed peas, a bit of left over broccoli & cheese and some corn bread
Snack (I usually never have a snack) was a bag of personal sized chips (plain Lays) from the vending machine
Dinner two bowls of home made soup and some more homemade corn bread
This may not sound much to you, but to me it is a bit more than I usually eat.

So far today:
A large glass of milk and a slice of wheat toast with some Philly Cream cheese spread

And I'm starving - oh it's almost lunch time. That's why.


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