Monday, April 02, 2007

Mother and her basketball - tip of the iceburg - TIP

I did it! I called my mother, just to bug her, during one of her NCAA basketball games. Just to piss her off. It failed.

The only reason I knew that the game was even on, is 'cause I tripped on it flipping through the channels and saw the beginning where they were interviewing people (Kids) from the band and cheer squad, and I, liking band nerds, just had to stopped to watch and listen to the support they were saying about their team. Honest, I wouldn't have known otherwise.

She (again back to the mother) thought something was wrong, and justly so, since I had just spoken with her on Saturday for about an hour, which is more than this bad girl usually does. So, now I have done my good dead for the week and talk again with the mother for about a hour (in less than two days from the last time).

I just wanted to see if she would hangup on me like I had joked about before that she would do. Nope, she didn't. And I tried so hard - every time after a commercial break was over - I'd say the game is back on! (real loud) - "nope" she said "that's just the replays of the first half". How could she tell!!!! It all looks the same to me.

Don't mess with an Indiana Woman and her college basketball. My poor dad, must of have loved basketball season. Joke, honestly!

By the time I got done talking to her - I really, really wanted a cig so bad!!!

So, I'm typing this instead to get me by. Thanks ya'll!

Take your shoes off - ya'll came back, ya hear.


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