Friday, February 10, 2006

For The Love of Toast!


This is my very first bid and purchase on eBay. I'm so excited. I love this toaster. I had one that my son burnt out the coils with a wooden spoon 2 years ago. I was so devastated. My husband tried to get one on eBay for me at the time, but was bided out.

This toaster is the kind where the bread goes down automatically. I eat a lot of toast. My Mom has this kind of toaster and hers is over 50 years. I got mine in '87 and my sister has one too. She doesn't use hers much and for a minute there I thought she was going to give it to me. They don't sell this kind anymore and when they did it was selling for about 60 dollars. I was willing to bid up to $100 or more, but I didn't have to, I bid $60 and won the bid at $38. YESSSS!

To learn more about toasters try going to "The Toaster Museum Foundation".


Blogger Nessa said...

love for a toaster - there's nothing like it!

February 10, 2006 at 11:44:00 AM CST  

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