Thursday, March 30, 2006

Day 6

I have not have one cigarette! Cold turkey, baby! Last night was a test. I asked my hubby straight faced and calm if he had been smoking. He told me that he had purchased a pack on Monday and has only been having 3 cigarettes a day. Damn. I thought he was doing so well, and although I know that three a day isn't much, it is still something. He then went into the garage for his third for yesterday and asked me if I wanted one. After a long pause the answer was (drum roll) HELL NO!

Tonight will be even a bigger test as I plan on stopping by the bar on the way home. My plan - to be able to drink a few drinks without smoking. Well, this is my plan. Worse case - if I get such a strong urge to smoke, so much so that I'm about to ask someone for a cig, I will tab out and leave. How does that sound? Hopefully I can stick with it. You may feel that it is too early for this plan, as it is only day 6, well, there's only one way to find out.

Other news - we're fixing up an old computer - upgrades, more memory and a new video card, purchasing a flat screen and new keyboard and mouse for my son. It should be completed and ready to go by Friday! He had a computer given to him by his grandfather, but his step-mother took it for herself. It's all about her.

Also, the other day I was a few pages away from finishing a 750 page book, my hubby wanted to turn off the light and go to sleep. I told him I had just a few pages to go and looked at the back of the book for the exact page count. Let me state for the record, that when my parents sold their house in Houston they gave us all of their old paper backs - three huge boxes of paper backs. So, this was one old one of my Mom's that I was reading. The very last page (page 750) ends in a comma! The page is all filled with words, there is no blank last pages and at the bottom of the page is a comma! WTF! It didn't look like there were pages missing, but there are! I hope the local library has a copy - because I'm hanging in limbo over here.

I've been eating very low fat and all. My days have been filled with fresh strawberries, melba toast, bran cereal w/ low fat milk (to help me shit), yogurt, carrot sticks, Swiss cheese slices (no more than one a day), salads with fat free dressing. Last night my hubby made dinner from a recipe he got out of a healthy heart cookbook his mom gave him years ago. It was wonderful! A chicken, broccoli and mushroom dish….I loved it. He's gotta make it again real soon. He used both regular and portabella mushrooms. So Yummy! It felt like the first real meal I've had in ages - well, it seems like ages after eating what feels like rabbit food for several days. And why is it when I'm trying to be good, as in eating right, no drinking or smoking, I can't go to the bathroom, I feel stopped up. Thank goodness this time I bought the bran cereal….the stuff is a working.


Blogger Nessa said...

yay!!!! I'm a social smoker and it's always when I have the brew that the urge comes along...

March 30, 2006 at 8:36:00 PM CST  

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