Wednesday, April 23, 2008

another one

He is on this kick of watching obscure 80's movies.
Step away from the Netflix, Darling.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

this movie disturb me

Hubby picked it out on Netflix


I hardly ever crave sweets and even less than that cakes and cupcakes. But then this morning I watched a video on Ubermilf's site and now can't get the cupcake out of my mind.

Friday, April 11, 2008

Okay another one - I couldn't help myself

And Cute Buttplug!

Woman drying her hands, nonchalantly, to woman ball-gagged and tied to a toilet: "Oh, you changed your hair. It looks pretty."

Women's Bathroom, Bondage-a-GoGo
San Francisco, California

Overhead Everywhere

Bar B Q in Houston

My two favorite places are Lyndon's Pit Bar-B-Q and Demeris Barbecue (but not this location - the one off of 290 and Hempstead Hwy).

To me the best - all others take a seat in the back.

Guess what I had for lunch today?

Wednesday, April 09, 2008

I laughed

90% of the Time, Your Kids Won't Even Appreciate Your Brilliance

Small child, pointing to an "eat pussy" graffiti painted on the side of a restaurant: Daddy, what does that say?
Father: It's a menu.

Overheard Everywhere


The Difference between Boys and Girls

Guy to girlfriend: My dick is aching for your vagina.
Girl: I missed you too.

Overheard Everywhere

Wednesday, April 02, 2008

April Fool's

For those that know me - know that this can not be true.

I've been fixed (or broken - whichever way you want to think of it).

Tuesday, April 01, 2008


I am pregnant and I don't know who the father is.

Will you be seeing me on The Maury Show later in the year? Probably.

Who is my baby's daddy?